FAQ and support

We've compiled a list of answers to common questions, or information you might be looking for. Still can't find what you are looking for? Contact us and we'll be more than happy to help you!

DARWIN® is the only Smart building Operating System offering a full blown connected and integrated building on multiple levels. Going from building related systems as climate, lighting, sensors and av equipment to FMIS, ERP, catering and calendar software applications. We are the glue at work pulling all systems together to make them greater than the sum of their parts. This way we help you to optimize your building and assets, creating automated and efficient daily operations. DARWIN® will increase comfort and health while cutting down on inefficient operations and costs. So basically, we enable any smart building feature you can think of and make it available to you in one smart and sustainable environment.
No, the DARWIN® OS is available for both new and old(er) buildings. Since we are able to “speak” any native communication protocol, we are able to connect and integrate with a variety of yesterday’s and tomorrow’s systems, software applications and/or IOT devices.
DARWIN® standard comes with the mobile and desktop app included. The desktop version comes with a full blown dashboard suite for data visualization, analysis and more. All included, unlimited users!
The lead time for the implementation of your DARWIN® OS is approximately 6-10 weeks. In there you do read a margin. This margin, or the accuracy of the lead time, depends on a number of things. Two main dependencies for the implementation are the IT infrastructure and the 3rd party systems to be connected/integrated. Both the IT infrastructure and 3rd party systems need to be fully operational before the on site part of our Operating System can be applied. At the start of the project, all executable steps are mapped out by us through our project planning. Output takes place using SCRUM.
Apart from a small project start-up cost, we offer the entire smart building OS in a SaaS model, based on the number of rooms and connected systems. Our solution comes with a full dashboard suite, desktop and mobile app without any limit on the number of users. The exact cost for your own DARWIN® smart building OS of course depends on a number of things. We are more than happy to make you an offer and show you the ROI on your building and operations. Promise, it will be hard to refuse!

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